W O R K S H O P S with Natalie & Tamara Kiwi

Resilience & Self-Compassion Workshop: Grace, Gratitude and Grit

Give yourself the gift of better understanding yourself, being more able to give yourself the love and compassion you deserve, and being more confident and empowered in your life. In doing this, you will also be better able to show up with love and compassion for your family, friends and community.

In this intimate workshop you will learn practices and tools to build your ability to adapt and thrive in life.

Become aware of your inner-critic and instead develop your capacity to support your growth and development by giving yourself the same compassion you would a loved one … SELF-COMPASSION. Learn how to slow down, notice and focus on your thoughts and feelings, and then give yourself ways to more skillfully respond – which is key to building your ADAPTIVE RESILIENCE.

Why our workshops help you with being a happier parent…

Studies have shown that developing these skills is life changing: allowing for more optimism, happiness and connection to others. These practices decrease anxiety, depression and fear.

A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life.

- Christopher Germer


Please join Natalie Kiwi, Spiritual Life Coach, and Tamara Kiwi, Resilience & Self-Leadership Coach, as they provide practical tools and guidance designed to help you flourish.